The employees are our business partners
We are certain that our business objectives can be achieved only in full cooperation, with full support and involvement of our employees.
The received awards confirm that together with our employees we created honest, safe and comfortable work environment:
- Reliable Employer of the Year 2008 Mazowsze Region
- Winner of Mazowsze Region competition "Open Labour Market" in 2009, competition for the Socially Sensitive Employers "The Icebreakers" - award in the category of companies friendly to disabled persons.
Get to know our employees
Manager of the Technology, Research and Development Division
"I look at assigned task not just from one perspective, I seek inspiration in various areas, I try to notice what other don't and implement what initially seems impossible. Our company gives the possibility of making bold projects come true and the execution of the task is facilitated by a dedicated and open team."
Production Leader
"I have been working at Harper for 13 years. I started on the lowest position of an operator and now I am a shift manager and manage 100-person strong team. I find pleasure in working with people. I do not just organise their work, but I also attempt to build joint responsibility through delegation of the tasks and to notice and support ambitious and dedicated persons. I also was noticed in the past by my superior.”
Junior Production Controller
"The atmosphere at the workplace and „a good team are very important for me. It has the impact on the quality of work at our company.”
Controlling Specialist
"I've been working for Harper Hygienics for 5 years and I keep gaining valuable experience, finding satisfaction from the execution of the assigned tasks and objectives. I am aware of building the value for the organisation and I identify with it. The well working team and friendly atmosphere enable me to execute the daily challenges with professionalism and enthusiasm. At the end of the day I have the feeling of self-fulfilment and satisfaction that our actions bring effect."
Export Director
“I like my job because it combines challenges with my various interests and passions. I like working with people, travelling and learning foreign languages. I started working for Harper Hygienics as a student. The knowledge I acquired at the university has been verified by practice and by invaluable advice from more experienced colleagues. I can definitely say that open-mindedness, hard work and a positive attitude to life pay off. Now, with the experience of international marketing, I know that the world has no boundaries and that it's worth to pursue your goals.”